Welcoming a new member to the Church

We got a call around midnight on Sunday that it was time for the baby to be born, we rushed over to watch Geordy. Mom and Dad went to the Hospital while  we stayed with him.

We sent picture  to the parents to assure  them that all was going well at home. God has a sense of humor by putting us in this situation of watching a little one at our age.

Later that day Dad called and told us the good news, that Mamma had a healthy baby boy. He said that they will be coming home with the baby that afternoon.

We capture the moment when both brothers met for the first time and it was a very tender moment when they held hands.

We witness when for the first time baby Djidula (it means winner in their language) met his earthly family, they did look so happy! imagine the joy our Lord has when one of his children get born again.

“Children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord”  Psalm 127: 3

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